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“Drowning as Injury: The Problem of Recognition,” Research Handbook on the Civil Justice System, (Elgar Research Handbooks in Law and Society Series) eds. Anne Bloom, David Engel, Richard Jolly, forthcoming, 2024.


“Why Believe?” in Conspiracy/Theory, edited by Joseph Masco and Lisa Wedeen, University of Chicago Press, forthcoming, 2023.


The Lung is a Bird and a Fish,” in Sovereignty Unhinged: An Illustrated Primer for the Study of Present Intensities, Disavowals, and Temporal Derangements, edited by Deborah Thomas and Joseph Masco, Duke University Press, 2022. (essay, original drawings, and book cover illustration).


“Perspectives of Childhood Cancer Survivors as Young Adults: a Qualitative Study of Illness Education Resources and Unmet Information Needs,” Journal of Cancer Education, [Elle Billman, Stephanie M. Smith, S. Lochlann Jain], December, 2022.


“Beyond the Cancer Wars,” in The Edinburgh Companion to the Politics of American Health, edited by Martin Halliwell and Sophie A. Jones, Edinburgh University Press, 2022.  


Graphic Poesis: Drawing things Together,” Commoning Ethnography, 4(1), Dec. 2021.


Commodity Violence: The Punctum of Data,” Visual Anthropology Review, 36(2), Fall 2020: 214-233.


The WetNet: What the Oral Polio Vaccine Hypothesis Exposes about Globalized Interspecies Fluid Exchange,” Medical Anthropology Quarterly 34(4), December 2020:  504-524.


“Things that Art,” Anthropology and Humanism 43(1), Summer 2018: 6-20.


Illustrations for American Anthropologist, May 2018.


“Injury Fields,” Injury and Injustice: The Cultural Politics of Harm, edited by Anne Bloom, David Engel, and Michael McCann, Cambridge University Press, 2018: 154-184.


“Prosthetic Pathology.” Disability, Space, Architecture: A Reader, edited by Jos Boys, Routledge, 2017: 195-197.


“Research Note: Traumasphere, Thinking through Commodity Violence,” Technosphere Magazine, November 16, 2017.

“Binomial Nomenclature,” drawings in Public Books, March 2016.


“On Writing About Illness: A Dialogue with S. Lochlann Jain and Jackie Stacey on Cancer, STS and Cultural Studies,” Catalyst: Feminism. Theory, Technoscience, 1(1), June 2015: 1-31.


“Time and Improbable Futures in Clinical Spaces,” Introduction to special issue of Medical Anthropology Quarterly, co-authored with Sharon Kaufman, 2011: 183-188.


Fear of Cancer,” Loyola Law Review, 44, 2010, 233-252.


Survival Odds: Mortality in Corporate Time,” in Current Anthropology, Special Issue Corporate Lives, edited by Hardin. R, D. Partridge and M. Welker, 52(S3) 2011: S45-S54.


Countering Time: The Medical Apology.” The Subject of Responsibility: Framing Personhood n Modern Bureaucracies, edited by Andrew Parker, Austin Sarat, and Martha Merrill Umphrey, Fordham University Press, 2011: 38-57.


“The Mortality Effect: Counting the Dead in the Cancer Trial.” In the Name of Humanity: The Government of Threat and Care, edited by Ilana Feldman and Miriam Ticktin, Duke University Press, 2010: 218-237.


Be Prepared.” Against Health: How Health Became the New Morality, edited by Jonathan Metzl and Anna Kirkland, NYU Press, 2010: 170-182.


The Mortality Effect: Counting the Dead,” Public Culture, 22(1) (Winter 2010): 89-117.


Surviving   Terrorist   Cells,” commentary co-authored  with   Rebecca Herzig, Academic Medicine, 84(1) (Fall 2008): 11-12.


Cancer Butch,” Cultural Anthropology, 22(4), (November, 2007): 501-538.


Urban Violence: Luxury in Made Space.” Mobile Technologies of the City, edited by Mimi Sheller and John Urry, Taylor and Francis, 2005: 61-76.


“‘Come up to the Kool Taste’: African American Upward Mobility and the Semiotics of Smoking Menthols.” Beyond the Frame, edited by Angela Davis and Neferti Tadiar, Pergamon Press, 2005: 77-104.


Living in Prognosis: Toward and Elegiac Politics,” Representations 98 (Spring, 2007): 77-92.


Violent Submission,” Cultural Critique 61 (Fall, 2005): 186-214.


Dangerous Instrumentality (Bystander as Subject in Automobility),” Cultural Anthropology 19:1 (February, 2004): 61-94.


Reprinted in Problemata | Histoire et etudes critiques en design, special issue on automobility, ed. Olivier Peyricot, September, 2023.


[Winner of the Cultural Horizons Award for best article published in CA, 2004].


“‘Come up to the Kool Taste’: African American Upward Mobility and the Semiotics of Smoking Menthols,” Public Culture 15:2 (Spring, 2003): 295-322.


Urban Errands: The Means of Mobility,” Journal of Consumer Culture 2:3 (November, 2002): 385-404.


Mysterious Delicacies and Ambiguous Agents: Lennart Nilsson in National Geographic,” Configurations 6:3 (Fall, 1998): 373-394.


Inscription Fantasies and Interface Erotics:  Keyboards, Law, Repetitive Strain Injuries,” Hastings Journal of Women and Law 9:2 (Spring, 1998): 219-253.


Prosthetic Pathology: Enabling and Disabling the Prosthesis Trope,” Science, Technology, and Human Values 24:1 (Winter, 1998): 31-54.


“The Republic: A Study of a Tragic Flaw,” McGill Journal of Political Studies 7, (Spring, 1988): 35-54.


Border Guards, Part IV” and “Radiation Room,” Journal of General Internal Medicine, Fall 2008.


“Empathy Lab: Teaching Performance Methods in Anthropology,” (45 mins.), Directed and Produced by Lochlann Jain and Krista DeNio [].



Book Reviews

Alisse Waterston and Charlotte Corden, Light in Dark Times, in Anthropological Quarterly 94:1, (Winter 2022) pp. 217-220.


Sherine Hamdy and Coleman Nye,Lissa: A Story about Medical Promise, Friendship, and Revolution (Art by Sarula Bao and Caroline Brewer) in Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 2018.


Lisa Stevenson, Life Beside Itself, in Somatospheres, (Winter, 2015).


Deborah Cohen, Family Secrets: Shame and Privacy in Modern Britain, in Public Books, (Fall, 2013).


Tom Baker, The Medical Malpractice Myth, in Law and Society (September, 2007).


“Projectile  Economies,”  Review  of  the  film  “Crash,”  in  Journal  of  Transportation  History, (September, 2006), with Derek Simons.


“A Value to Suffering,” Review Essay on Rebecca Herzig’s Suffering for Science, in American Studies Quarterly, (March, 2007).


Daniel Miller, Car Cultures, in American Ethnologist 29:3, (Fall 2002).

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Lochlann Jain
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