Lochlann Jain
“Prosthetic Pathology.” Disability, Space, Architecture: A Reader, edited by Jos Boys, Routledge, 2017: 195-197.
“Research Note: Traumasphere, Thinking through Commodity Violence,” Technosphere Magazine, November 16, 2017.
“Violent Submission,” Cultural Critique 61 (Fall, 2005): 186-214.
“Dangerous Instrumentality (Bystander as Subject in Automobility),” Cultural Anthropology 19:1 (February, 2004): 61-94.
Reprinted in Problemata | Histoire et etudes critiques en design, special issue on automobility, ed. Olivier Peyricot, September, 2023.
[Winner of the Cultural Horizons Award for best article published in CA, 2004].
“Urban Errands: The Means of Mobility,” Journal of Consumer Culture 2:3 (November, 2002): 385-404.
“Prosthetic Pathology: Enabling and Disabling the Prosthesis Trope,” Science, Technology, and Human Values 24:1 (Winter, 1998): 31-54.